Season 1 Trailer

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  • Jessica Norwood 0:07

    Welcome to the Road to Repair, a podcast exploring our journey out of a "business as usual" economy toward collective healing and liberation.

    Andrew X 0:16

    Road to repair is a podcast for anyone working towards building the next economy, one that is rooted in justice, equity, and solidarity. If you recognize that our dominant economic system of capitalism is working as designed to reinforce systems of oppression such as white supremacy, patriarchy, and imperialism, but don't quite know what a journey out of it looks like, this podcast is for you. Come dream and explore what this work of repair in pursuit of our collective liberation looks like. Your co hosts, Jessica Norwood, Nikishka Iyengar and myself, Andrew X have come together to catalyze and deepen this conversation. We invite you to walk alongside us on this road to repair.

    Nikishka Iyengar 1:06

    If we did nothing differently today, the racial wealth gap in this country would take over 250 years to close. Land is so fundamental to wealth creation, and in the U.S., 95% of land is owned by white people.

    Leah Penniman 1:21

    You know, as folks hopefully know, by now, the food system is super racist and super oppressive. And it's not fair at all for farmworkers or Black farmers, for the earth herself. Seeing the need for love, investment, nurturing.... throwback to 1865, when the Emancipation Proclamation is in effect, and 13th amendment and all that. And our folks said what we need are homes and the ground beneath them so that we can plant fruit trees and say to our children, these are ours.

    Nwamaka Agbo 1:48

    What does it actually take for us to have direct control and ownership of our labor of our community assets and how to do that in a way that it starts to move us away from capitalism and towards a system that is actually really based in shared prosperity based in building community wealth,

    Jessica Norwood 2:06

    ....really calling for what is this new way forward? What is the world actually in need of right now? What is the medicine that the planet is calling for?

    adrienne marie brown 2:17

    We have the money, but we have been marking that money as a resource for a strategy that does not keep us safe and doesn't end harm. We are deciding, looking at ourselves and saying, are we ready to relinquish the economic model of slavery? If we're really truly ready to let that down? Then something actually new can emerge for our economy. How do we structure our economy so that everyone has a safe home, a home where they can feel belonging.

    Road to Repair Theme Song 2:47

    You ready, we get down to business, investing in existence, shifting from a system steeped in extraction, that steady sap in our peoples and planet to cash in, slashing. Widening gaps in our access to land wealth, peace, satisfaction. Imagine basing relations on more than transactions. It's time for new pathways, and we need to shape them through our inner landscapes, our relations, our approach, our dedication, we're on the road to repair as a commitment to transformation.


Ep. 1: How We Got Here